Services / Universal / Adhoc

Create Your Personalized Service

Get started for free, always!

If you did not find a suitable service from our Exp180 services, you can request for an Adhoc service that's tailored to your customized demand


Personalize Your Service

Adhoc is a service management tool, adeptly designed to not only capture but thoroughly understand your distinctive needs. This strategic understanding serves as the cornerstone, allowing us to carefully tailor and craft a personalized solution that goes beyond mere fulfillment to precisely align with your specific requirements.

By leveraging this service, you empower us to build a bespoke solution, ensuring that every aspect of your needs is comprehensively addressed and seamlessly integrated into the final product.

Built to be customizable

Staircase services are proved to be most appropriate for the mid level experienced IT professionals

Designed to be service agnostic

Regardless of your career background, such as Frontend Developer or Network Engineer, the service is built to capture all your needs

Designed for all career levels

Regardless of your career level, the service is built to capture and deliver all your needs


Adhoc:: Key Influences

With help of Adhoc services your profile should see the following impacts at different levels of your job search process

100% Free, always!

Getting started with Adhoc service is free of charge so there is no risk for you to get started. Your request will always be considered with importance.

90% affordability

we guarantee you that after reviewing your request the solution we are going to offer will is very affordable to you.

70% acceptability chance

Our research data shows that there is 70% chance that your request will be accepted by our analysts, and we will be able to offer you a personalized solution you are looking for.

50% coverage possibility

At the lowest possibility, we believe our solution will cover at least 50% needs of your request.

Adhoc:: User Groups

Adhoc services are purposefully designed to cater the distinct needs of various user groups among the US job market including but not limited to the following

Unable to select a service from EXP180

Job applicants or candidates who are unable to find a suitable service from EXP180 and feel they may require customized services based on their resume or job preferences

Unable to find a suitable service from EXP180

Job applicants who have programming language based skillsets such as Java Developer, C# Developer

Unable to find a suitable customization option from EXP180 services

Job applicants who did not find enough number of suitable service options in EXP180 product line

Adhoc service

Submit Now

Step 1

Gather information about your target job

We need couple of job descriptions (JDs) of the job you are targeting for your next role. It give us an idea about what types of projects and industries you are going to get engaged with.

Step 2

Keep your resume handy

We need your current resume for our review analysis. It helps us understand your skillsets, background, and overall profile.

Step 3

Fill up the form

Depending on your preparation it might take upto 4 minutes to fillup and submit the form. Once a form is submiited, you will receive a confirmation email along with an application ID. Please keep this application ID number for any future communication with us.

How we ensure purchase easiness ?

Choose your service

Choose a service that suits best to your needs, customize it with service options and delivery time

Upload your resume

We will require you to upload your resume with each order, so please keep it handy while making a purchase

Complete the payment

We support several payment options such as Debit Card, Credit Card, and PayPal

Get Started

Submitting a request helps us streamline our processes to come up with personalized solution specifically tailored to your needs. We are committed to addressing fulfilling your requests in a timely manner.



Service Options


Delivery Options


24 hours a day
7 days a week
365 days a year