
Know Your Language

General FAQs

General purpose Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) may have some other information such as "about my purchases", "my registration"

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Frequently Asked Questions

In this section, we discuss about the most commonly asked questions about Dialect Services. If your question doesnot get answered in this section, please feel free to reach out to our customer care.

Does the Dialect services cover only specific programming languages or technology platforms ?

This service highlights services based on your particular skillsets and narrow down specific problems of your resume.

How the Dialect services help improve my profile ?

$30 to $50.

What is the response time of this service ?

Once you submit a request, we tend to reply within 48 hours.

What is the delivery schedule of this service?

The site will shall use the delivery option that you select to deliver the service to you.

How is Dialect different from other services such as Staircase or Strategy?

It provides necessary service on your aptitudes that are suited only to your particular needs.

How this service improves the quality of my profile?

You will have specified and dedicated services to choose from and take fast delivery.